Job offers and your friends in just one place
TerazZaraz is a best way to find a job using your contact network. Thousands of job offers in just one place.
Think of it as a Polish LinkedIn, before LinkedIn was a thing. It was a popular Polish job aggregator with many social features, such as:
- invite friends;
- write private messages;
- recommend job offers;
- create your own job offers;
- find job offers located nearby, or created by someone from your friends’ network.
Tech wrap-up
- Built with: Symfony Framework, Propel ORM.
- Added new features and refactored almost all of the old, legacy MVC code
- Optimization of the database (~1 mln records)
- Full-text search using ElasticSearch
- Automatic imports of Job Offers from ~10 others job provider services (~90.000 job offers); and an ability to add new XML imports
- Cache & performance optimization (client’s expectations: 40 mln page views monthly)
- Performance, load & stress testing